Copy of About US

After over 20 years where does our real story as a business begin? Truthfully, we were not always “Ultimate” our company began simply enough in a small backyard woodshop but ever before that our story is a story of a Fathers love and devotion to his little girl. Our creator and founder Mr. Steve Cochran was like many of our clients, just another parent driving his daughter, Mary Kate, to Martial Arts Classes and then taking her to compete in her first tournament. Watching her train hard and develop her skills he was as proud and supportive as any other parent there, but as time went on, he grew frustrated. A lot of the weapons available at the time were poor quality and anything that was “flashy” for competitions was incredibly expensive! After seeing some nunchuck at a tournament booth, Steve realized he could easily use his experience as a woodworking Estimator and a trade show Exhibits coordinator to make nunchuck for Mary Kate that were just a beautiful for a much better price!

So off to his shop in his backyard he went! He quickly created some wooden chucks and used some of his films and vinyl from a trade show display to decorate them. As soon as the other students and parents at the dojo saw them favors and request came in! Soon Steve was even taking in request to decorate the wood Bo staffs of Mary Kate’s teammates. Soon Steve was customizing his own wood turning lathe and created his first bo staff, now the Ultimate Weapons journey can really begin! Steve began traveling to karate tournaments and setting up booths of his custom made and decorated Bo and Nunchuck, all while watching and supporting his daughter as she competed. What a team they made! Mary Kates’s dad was “the Weapons guy”! Over the years the options and styles changed and grew, and new weapons were soon added as Steve tackled any request to design and make martial arts weapons. Soon it was time to leave the shed and open a full-time shop in New Jersey. Before he knew it retirement was coming close, by now Mary Kate had grown and left her dojo but Steve wasn’t ready to leave the Martial Arts World behind just, yet he needed a successor to continue making the Ultimate Weapons he has so carefully created those 20+ years ago in his shed…


After over 20 years where does our real story as a business begin? Truthfully, we were not always “Ultimate” our company began simply enough in a small backyard woodshop but ever before that our story is a story of a Fathers love and devotion to his little girl. Our creator and founder Mr. Steve Cochran was like many of our clients, just another parent driving his daughter, Mary Kate, to Martial Arts Classes and then taking her to compete in her first tournament. Watching her train hard and develop her skills he was as proud and supportive as any other parent there, but as time went on, he grew frustrated. A lot of the weapons available at the time were poor quality and anything that was “flashy” for competitions was incredibly expensive! After seeing some nunchuck at a tournament booth, Steve realized he could easily use his experience as a woodworking Estimator and a trade show Exhibits coordinator to make nunchuck for Mary Kate that were just a beautiful for a much better price!

As fate would have it that role was filled by another father/ daughter team, Master E and Marie.

Master E. Had been a long-time customer of Steve’s and was looking for new ways to contribute to the Martial Arts community. Master E. had competed in many tournaments over the years and run many successful karate schools, but those schools were now being headed by his son. As the world slowed down when the Covid Pandemic hit Mr. Cochran decided it was finally time to leave his shop and turned operations over fully to Master E and his daughter Marie. With Master E’s long history and experience as a 8th degree Black Belt it was time to take the next step in our journey to always be “Ultimate”! We packed up our tools and moved from our small workshop in New Jersey to a new home in South Carolina. The daily operations of the Ultimate Weapons shop and staff were trusted to Marie as General manager. With her father’s trust Marie jumped right in and was able to have 2 of the top staff of the New Jersey shop move with the company to South Carolina! Mike and Alexandra loved coming into the shop everyday making and decorating weapons for student all over the world! Why stop now?! We pride ourselves on being a family run business and who knows soon that family will grow, and we may even soon be hosting a “Ultimate Weapons” wedding as Mike and Alexandra are now engaged!

This company was founded on a father’s love for his daughter and now that legacy continues with Master E and his daughter Marie, our Ultimate Weapons are truly made by martial artist for martial artist and the next generation will soon carry on with Master E’s grandkids!

Meet our team


Marie- General Manager

Marie has been training in the Martial Arts since she was 3 years old under her father, Master E. Marie is a blackbelt under Grandmaster Chuck Norris and has competed and titled in numerous tournaments over the years. She has over 20 years’ experience in teaching, coaching, and was even a certified judge for the Super Grands Nationals. Marie is always ready to answer questions and help ensure your order and weapon will be “Ultimate.”


Mike- Master Technician

Mike has been living the “Ultimate” life for 6 years and leads our team in all woodworking and crafting each nunchuck and Bo till they meet our “Ultimate” standards. He and his soon to be wife keep the fun coming in our shop everyday to make sure our customer can life the “Ultimate” life too!


Alex- Application Technician

Alex (Alexandra) only joined the “Ultimate” team 2 years ago, when her boyfriend at the time suggested she could make some extra cash by helping at his job as a “seasonal” worker. Soon after starting Alex left behind her old job and jumped in full time right beside Mike! It was hard work, but Alex loved the creativity of making the weapons, then as soon as Marie came to the shop to be her new manager and offered her a position at a new shop in South Carolina Alex knew she and Mike would be living the “Ultimate” life together!